Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hello, blogging world!

Well it finally happened. I avoided starting a blog for as long as I could and it wasn't because I hate blogging, or bloggers, or blogs. Actually, one of my hobbies is treading through all types of blogs. I guess it was mainly laziness that made me not start a blog, but here I am now, and I'm starting a blog. Sad that it took a course requirement to get me into the blogging world, but hey, whatever it takes.

I'm a graduate student (yes, a professional student) and so this blog can only rightfully be about my life and my perspectives as student, because I've known nothing else. Technically, I'm in the 19th grade. omg. I'll probably throw some other perspectives in there as well because I love to know what other people are thinking. I love news and I love the interpretations of news. I just like communication in general (which I guess is why I'm getting a PhD in public relations).

At any rate, this blog will serve as my sounding board for ideas, practical and research-based, about my degree focus--Communication for Development and Social Change (CDSC). It's my passion, it's my dissertation focus, and hopefully it's going to be my breadwinning profession. Haha.

I like discussion; I like new ideas. I like academia and I like its relevance to the real world. Everything I write here will be real, tangible and yet it will shed light on CDSC practice and CDSC theory. So let's get started; this is going to be SO MUCH FUN!

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